'Nonprofit' LGBTQ+++© Foundations Now Write Public School Sex-Ed CurriculaPosted: 2022-10-18 [How bad do things have to get before people take their kids out of public schools? Do parents even care about their own children anymore? Would parents even sacrifice their offspring on the alter of Moloch if the school administration said it was OK? Perhaps we will soon have alters erected in front of public schools for the emoliation of kids in the name of education; tax payer funded of course.]
BY BEN BARTEE 2:27 PM ON OCTOBER 09, 2022 PJ Media You may have noticed that public schools transformed at some indefinite point in the late 2010s from institutes of learning (although they never did that particularly well anyway) into outright LGBTQ+++© indoctrination day camps. One of public schools’ primary functions these days, besides babysitting their youthful charges while their parents labor for their masters, is brainwashing children in their custody into religious fundamentalism — like the Pentecostal Jesus camps of yesteryear, just more sexual, predatory, and fantastical. LGTBQ+++© social engineers would suggest, of course, that teachers somehow naturally morphed into sexual propagandists. A veritable army of queer Mary Poppinses sprung up out of nowhere to sing-song children out of their heterosexual bigotry and into the warm embrace of sacred sexual Diversity©. Almost all at once, overnight, in concert (the social engineers would argue), teachers adorned their classrooms with Pride© flags. Libraries from coast to coast realized in unison that the one thing they’d been missing all this while was a friendly neighborhood drag queen to read sexual fantasy stories to children with their hairy junk hanging out. Such is the inexorable flow of progress, of course. The queerification of the public schools is all very natural and organic, they would claim, not to mention liberal and loving. “Shadowy forces shaping public discourse to suit their own agendas?” they sneer and seethe at anyone who questioned the narrative. “Where’s your tinfoil hat, conspiracy theorist?” Yet, reality has struck again to vindicate the “conspiracy theorists.” As gender ideology expert and 11th Hour Blog founder Jessica Bilek explains, “the second edition of the National Sex Education Standards” quietly updated “sex ed curricula [guidelines] in K-12 schools” in 2020. According to the guidelines, by the end of second grade, children ages 7-8 should be able to:
By fifth grade (ages 10-11), students are expected to have graduated to:
National Sex Education Standards (NSES) Probing deeper, Bilek explains that the NSES curricula are the handiwork of The Future of Sex Education Initiative (FoSE), whose efforts in this regard were funded by the Grove Foundation. The Grove Foundation spearheads, in partnership with The Ford Foundation and David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Working to Institutionalize Sex Education (WISE), “a national initiative that supports school districts [across the entire US] in implementing sex education.” FoSE is a joint venture undertaken in partnership by three “nonprofit” organizations:
Check out the websites. They are littered from front to back, top-to-bottom with “transgender” and, curiously enough, “anti-racism” propaganda. All three “nonprofits” are funded by The Grove Foundation, which sources its operating budget from the fortune of former Intel Corporation CEO Andrew Grove. (The further you dive into the weeds of gender ideology, the more apparent the ties between industry and “human rights” social engineering become.) No one elected these “nonprofits” to anything. Why are they given the de facto authority to craft education policy destined to impact the development of millions of children? Below is the fruit of the LGBTQ+++© nonprofits’ labor:
READ MORE: https://pjmedia.com/culture/benbartee/2022/10/09/nonprofit-lgbtq-foundations-now-write-public-school-sex-ed-curricula-n1635707
EDCUATION ACTION NETWORK SOURCE PAGE: https://teach1776.us/blog.php?article=4126&category=77
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