Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: ~Matthew 28:19

Security Feature Disabled on Voting Machines

Posted: 2022-11-08

EAN NOTE 11-8-22

I just voted. And, I have never had less confidence in our voting system. The polling station we went to in Gilbert supplies voters, not with properly pre-printed ballots but, with ballots printed from the voting machines. Having worked on the Maricopa county audit for 2 months last summer i am very familiar with fake ballots. And these ballots printed from the voting machines are, essentially, no better than, fake ballots.

       There is a security feature in the upper right hand corner of each ballot which includes a target on the front and cross hairs on the back. If ballots are properly printed, these line up perfectly. My ballot was imporperly printed so that the target and cross hairs do not match up. But, the voting machine counted the ballot anyway. This means that any number of fake ballots can be read by the voting machines; no matter how badly they are printed.

     What is the purpose of having a security feature when the ballot is improperly printed? There is no way to tell the difference between a fake ballot and a legitimate ballot because the supposedly "legitimate" ballots are improperly printed; and printed as badly as a fake ballot.

    When i pointed this out to the polling station official, I was accused of starting a conspiracy. Was i being accused of what they were doing? I was pointed out a problem with the voting system and was threatened with arrest for my trouble.

     Our elections are as insecure as ever. Anyone who wants to cheat has ample opportunity through this one problem alone. In the last election there were people who reported large numbers of fake ballots being flown in in order to subvert the election. I don't know if it is true or not but the voting machines are calibrated in such a way that they cannot tell the difference between a legitimate ballot and a fake ballot.

      We are not a free people

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