Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ~Proverbs 22:6

Body Bags at the Arizona Capitol UPDATE

Posted: 2023-01-16

[EAN NOTE: Sorry to get this information out late. At this point, the event has passed but the information within this article remains relevant to the continued destructioon of our God given rights]

by Peggy McClain on January 7, 2023 in Not In Our Schools

As we write this update, Brick Road Coffee in Tempe is assisting youth in LGBTQalphabet activities scheduled for Monday, January 9, 2023 at the Arizona Capitol. But don’t call anyone a “groomer”.

Support Equality Arizona Schools is run by students, however, don’t think adults have stepped aside. In this post, the organizer references David Boyles and Patti Serrano.


First, note the use of the pronoun “their” to reference one male. Are the students not learning grammar in Chandler Schools? David Boyles is part of Drag Queen Story Hour, the same organization who assists Brick Road Coffee with their Drag child groomer events.

And finally, Patti Serrano just won a seat on Chandler Unified School District’s governing board. Chandler families beware. The sexualization of children is enveloping your district using coffee as bait. No wonder there was little to no follow-up removing the book “George” from the Chandler school libraries after a parent spoke up at a board meeting.



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