And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. ~Matthew 10:28

Mesa Public Schools Teacher Admits to LGBTQ Influencing in Classroom

Posted: 2024-07-30

Mesa Public Schools, Arizona’s largest school district, is in the midst of a lawsuit brought by one of its own board members for transitioning a student without the parent’s knowledge. Here is a link to the story which describes which Arizona statutes were broken. The case was recently heard in Maricopa County Superior Court and a decision is pending.

What has happened to this excellent school district? Parents need to be very careful who is teaching their children. Tami Staas is a third grade teacher in Mesa Schools, but her real focus is as the executive director of Arizona Trans Youth Parent Organization (AZTYPO). She hasn’t been shy about what she does in the classroom. This link is an interview Staas did where she describes the sexual grooming she participates in while on Mesa Public School’s payroll. The podcast is called “Strengthening Hearts and Minds”. What is equally as disturbing is the host was providing content for the Equitable and Inclusive Practices Advisory Council of the Arizona Department of Education. Note that this interview occurred in June of 2022. Thankfully, this perverted council does not appear to be currently active under Superintendent Tom Horne. However, there is still a link for the Inclusive Practices Toolkit on the department’s website.

A quick search mostly links readers to support and updates for disabled students. Beware if these sexual advisory councils return under a different superintendent, they may worm into the education system through “disabilities”.

Back to the interview, Tami Staas (third grade teacher) and her fellow demonic teacher Vanessa Anspach (high school teacher) are not shy about explaining how they influence their students in the classroom to accept their twisted view of sex. Mrs. Staas admits to hanging pride flags and decorating her classroom with a rainbow theme. While at it, Mrs. Staas teaches improper grammer to children who are learning to read and write.

In her work with AZTYPO, Mrs. Staas says she wants to normalize the trans kids she works with. See what this leads to? It becomes normal to chop off male or female genitalia. It becomes normal to take young children to freak shows where adults are parading around waving genitalia their parents let them keep in kids’ faces. It becomes normal to talk about sexual subjects every single day with minors who are not their own children.

What could be worse than using Jazz Jennings as an example for children to hold in high esteem? The biggest problem with Jazz is the parents who cater to his every desire and the father who has tried to be a friend and not a leader of the house. Now Jazz admits to mental health issues and is on continual medication to help him function day to day. More from Tami Staas:

Next, the panel discusses the law passed in Arizona to protect girls who participate in sports from being injured by a young man who is bigger and stronger than she is. The Arizona Legislature passed SB1165 and Governor Ducey signed it into law, that is how the process works. Notice the teachers consider “directives from the White House” the same thing as law. That is not how laws are created and passed; there is a process and all on the panel should review Civics before incorrectly teaching their students.

The twisted trio went on to let listeners know that educators know best. Now the truth is coming out, especially considering the lawsuit against Mesa Public Schools. Shut up taxpayers and parents.

As these three talk, so much is revealed. The transgender host, which sounds like a man pretending to be a woman, admits student learning isn’t his/her priority anymore.

The problem isn’t the students who are confused (society has purposely confused our youth), the problem is the adults who affirm lies which put children in danger. The support group Tami Staas runs only perpetuates the harm to not only her child, but to all the children she comes in contact with as she sexually confuses them. Her group will continue to grow until these kids realize the harm the adults did to them and the sick medical transition industry is shut down.

We will be following up in an upcoming post with more audio and video about how “educators” are circumventing safeguards which are in place to protect Arizona’s children.

Update 6-30-24:

Thanks to a reader who sent this clip from a recent Mesa Public Schools Governing Board meeting. Anyone Westwood High parents know what Ms. Elizabeth Tanner is talking to YOUR kids about?


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