Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. ~Matthew 16:24
9-12-24 East Valley Moms For Liberty Meeting
Posted: 2024-08-28
There will be a East Valley "Moms For Liberty" meeting
When: Thursday September 12, 2024
Time: 6PM
El Jefe Cantina
1515 S. Price Road #5
Chandler Arizona 85286
Who is invited: Parents, Grandparents and rational people
Time to take back our children from the Woke school system
Do you think that you missed the opportunity to opt your school out of the egregious Title IX changes which seeks to force schools to allow boys into girls' restrooms, locker rooms and more?
GOOD NEWS! It isn’t too late to protect your daughter’s privacy and successfully advocate for her safety...
The court has clarified its original ruling with the following statement.