Many public school parents have become aware of the Community/Whole Child school concept which focuses on feelings and not academics. This concept plants seeds for community health centers on school campuses which serve not just the student, but eventually the entire community. This model was developed by CASEL and has Communist origins.

Because of this, many Catholic and non-Catholic families are enrolling their children in Catholic schools assuming the focus is academics.
Unfortunately, the Diocese of Phoenix has committed to mental health outreach in its schools and the focus is the Whole Child. While Bishop John Dolan’s heart may be in the right place, he may not be aware of the dangers of Whole or Community Schools. There are many names of this movement being tossed around, but the result is the same. One reason for the multiple names is the agenda grows and incorporates more and more purposes other than academics. Also, those behind these models change the names once the public is aware of the truth, so they can slip their agendas into the school day under another description. We see this with sex education. Once parents got wind that Planned Parenthood was fueling sex ed in schools, the name changed to sexual “health” or “healthy choices” for example, with Planned Parenthood using secretive partners to produce the material so it sounds more palatable to governing boards and parents. We have written about Whole and Community Schools here, when the concept was in its infancy in Arizona, but due to government funds it is growing rapidly. Now that there is so much money attached to mental health and innocent children can’t even watch a ball game on television without a reference to it, the phenomenon is growing. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), a relative of Whole/Community Schools, is an umbrella for many things, not just sex education which was our concern originally. We now have a fundamental shift in schools because of the mental health focus, which is a seed for the Whole/Community School approach. The descriptions of both SEL and Whole Child teaching sound promising, but the devil is in the details.
As mentioned above, CASEL is the origin of Social Emotional Learning. Here are some of the founders of CASEL and we thank Parents on the Level for the thorough research into their backgrounds. Catholic parents, think about whether you want your children’s school day influenced by any of the following:

The Shrivers are household names, but Timothy Shriver’s association with UNESCO is troubling. UNESCO is tied to Planned Parenthood. Agenda 2030 and the World Economic Forum (WEF) work against individual rights and towards a global government. Don’t think you will get to keep your religious freedom if we have to answer to the WEF.

Anything Rockefeller is concerning since the family supports abortion. This biography about Eileen Rockefeller Growald is very timely as we recently wrote about a Growald climate change tie to some Mesa Public Schools candidates who are endorsed by an organization which supports sexually transitioning chidren and abortion. Climate Change=abortion because one of the climate agenda goals is to reduce the human population.

Linda Lantieri’s biography ties her with the Dalai Lama. His reference to Secular Ethics doesn’t sound very Catholic.

Mark Greenberg is a supporter of a global government. Again, there will be no rights for parents nor freedom of religion once globalists complete their takeover.

Anyone who has worked for Obama or Biden in the realm of education should be avoided. Obama pushed radical sex ed which included LGBTQ in Cuyahoga County Schools. Under whoever is occupying the White House at this time, we are seeing a huge push to protect males in girls bathrooms and sports teams. Parents are labeled the enemy as academic results are plunging. Linda Darling-Hammond is the president of the California Board of Education. This is the state where Planned Parenthood has clinics in schools. See where SEL and Whole/Community Schools go if not stopped at the door immediately?
CASEL has many funders, but one big name is none other than Bill and Melinda Gates and his foundation of death.

Yes, this Bill Gates who is finally being tried for his role in the Covid trickery a few years ago.
The never-ending focus on suicide confuses children. These conversations are best handled at home since a child’s readiness to understand this topic varies. Also, some young children may be unaware that a family member has died of suicide because parents or guardians are waiting until the child is mature enough due to the complex nature of the situation. When Social Emotional Learning is used, and it is used throughout the day in subtle ways in many classrooms, children are taught the rest of the world or the classroom is at fault. Bad behavior is often affirmed, using a child’s sexual confusion as an excuse. While sexual confusion can be common during puberty, there is a push by some in the SEL world that changing the child’s sex is the answer. For those who doubt this is happening, ask yourself why there is suddenly a surge in child transition and mutilation? Where are the children getting the idea? Most often it is in schools through counselors, teachers, and social workers.
For those who have had their children in Catholic schools to this point, these concepts may sound foreign. That is good. We are writing this to give you a heads-up of what is coming now that the Diocese is focusing on mental health in schools.
So how did this happen? Bishop Dolan has had suicides in his family. Sadly, many people have. This does not mean he should be encouraging Diocesan Catholic Schools to take on his family’s problems. Introducing mental health and suicide in the classroom, without parents, will lead to a darker world for these students. This article was pubished in The Catholic Sun and Together Let Us Go Forth, both of which are publications of the Diocese of Phoenix.
Barb Rechterman, who is the point person, does not hesitate to tell the reader the Whole Child approach is being used currently in a pilot program. (We know “pilot” program normally leads to permanent.)

Check this out, Catholic school teachers will be developing “wellness plans”. Why are classrooms turning into clinics?

As far as connecting families to outside agencies for food and employment, Catholic parishes already do that. Now lines are being blurred between school, medicine, and families. When will academics take place?

Finding mental health and social worker interns from Arizona State who mesh with Catholic values will be difficult. We have been documenting what is coming out of ASU in this field. Remember social worker Lori Madrid from this recent post? But don’t worry, the program is very Catholic so no need to ask any questions. While Grand Canyon University is Christian, long ago the school accepted gay “marriage” and it currently has a gay club, which has a crafty name instead of the usual GSA Club, maybe so it is not as easily identified.

For these reasons, can Catholic parents trust who these universities will be sending into their children’s Catholic schools? There are only a handful of truly, authentic Catholic institutions of higher learning across the USA. Surely they cannot provide enough personnel needed to guide the mental health of minors across the Diocese of Phoenix, as it seems Bishop Dolan has lofty participation goals.
Below is a screenshot of additional concerns from the Diocese’s article. Training teachers and staff in mental health is beyond what these employees have signed up for and beyond what their responsibilities should be. Some training does not magically give them the knowledge and resources to address mental health issues. Let the teachers teach, let the adminstrators and support at campuses do what they do best. “Leading people to the right resources” is a loaded statement. Time after time on this website we have pointed out good intentions have led students to LGBTQ and abortion-minded organizations. Doing a quick search of a resource’s website and accepting its flowery statements and goals does not work. It takes digging into not just the website, but also the people in the organization and who they are associated with.

And there it is, the principal at St. Mary’s High School, which has a good reputation, stated parents aren’t equipped to handle their own children, so step aside and let’s bring in strangers from the community. Parents may not have clinical experience, but what about those teachers and support staff who also don’t have clinical experience, yet they are being tasked to handle mental health issues?
What isn’t being shared by the Diocese of Phoenix is many of the Social Emotional Programs, which lead to Community Schools (exactly what the Diocese is implementing), divide the child from the parent. When the medical lines are blurred, children are programmed to seek help from outsiders instead of their own parents. This makes them vulnerable for child predators. These predators could be lurking in some of these agencies, or as mental health counselors or medical personnel. When assessments are made at school, what is done with the information? Is any of the child’s personal data entered into a computer? What happens to it then? Sadly, the world wide web will have access to private information and this information is sold and shared. That is another deep, deep rabbit hole, but it is real. To introduce this scary reality, please watch another podcast from Parents on the Level, Casel Doctrines videos 2 and 3 in the following link:
We have included a few screenshots to introduce this dark agenda to Catholics who are not aware of it. Just like sex education is no longer an anatomy and physiology lesson, school counselors have morphed from assisting students with academics and college readiness to mental health and LGBTQ affirmation.

There it is, the use of suicide to intervene between parents and their children.

Barb Rechterman was chosen by Bishop Dolan to lead this debacle in local diocesan schools. While we understand funds are needed to develop and sustain programs, it is wise to take a look at where Ms. Rechterman has worked previously so we may be able to understand her views. A quick online search revealed an article about criticisms of a 2013 GoDaddy Superbowl commercial when Ms. Rechterman was an executive vice-president and chief marketing officer at GoDaddy. The title of the article is “The Woman(!) Behind GoDaddy’s Tasteless, Effective Super Bowl Ads” The author, Jeff Bercovici. embedded the commercial in his post but it was no longer available to the public. We found it elsewhere and saved it in case it is taken down. Here it is (WARNING IN CASE CHILDREN ARE AROUND):
When Ms. Rechterman answered the author’s questions, she appeared to not see anything wrong with the cleavage and extremely short dress the woman was wearing as she locked lips eroticly on national television in front of children watching. Is this okay for parents who are paying thousands of dollars each year for solid academics? This is the mastermind Bishop Dolan has tasked to assist in developing the mental health program in Diocese of Phoenix schools. Keep in mind, the Diocese educates children from kindergarten through 12th grade, so very young children will be affected by the brains behind this mental health program.
This could be the start of a huge transformation inside Catholic schools in Phoenix. Parents who keep their children in the Diocese’s schools, keep your antenna up. Those in charge won’t tell you anything negative because they don’t know, yet. If you do not want your children to be Catholic guinea pigs, the ESA program may be an alternative for you. This will help pay for your homeschool curriculum and supplies. If you need any information about the program, click here. There are Catholic homeschool networks across the valley so you won’t be in this alone. Education is the responsibility of parents, not strangers. That is the catechism of the Catholic Church.