Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known. ~Matthew 10:26

Billionaires Pervert The Republican Party

Posted: 2022-10-22

Scott$dale Money Matters

by Peggy McClain on August 11, 2022 in Not In Our Schools

Money is the root of all evil. How many times have we heard that? Both political parties want to cater to the needy, passing themselves off as the Party of the People. Historically it was thought, whether true or not, Republicans have more money. Then the switch occurred when overpaid athletes and movie stars affiliated in force with the Democrat Party. Ultimately, neither Party has kept true to the Constitution, the document that begins with “We the People”.

Today we have mega dollars being spent on campaigns. School board members in Arizona do not receive a salary and although these are possibly the most important political races, not much money is donated to these candidates in comparison to other offices. However, in Scottsdale one of the candidates received a large donation from a local resident. This is the link to Andrea Keck’s campaign contributions. Campaign Finance Online Filing (maricopa.gov) And here is the large donation.

Who is Randy Kendrick? She is the wife of Arizona Diamondbacks owner and managing partner Ken Kendrick. Mrs. Kendrick has been active in Republican politics, even donating large amounts of money to PACs.

What is the American Opportunity Alliance (AOA)? It sounds promising until we did a little more digging. Here is an article from Redstate warning conservatives about AOA.

American Opportunity Alliance: Come for Social Liberalism. Stay for Wall Street Cronyism. – RedState

Social liberalism, now it is very clear. Have we seen this pattern in Arizona? We elect “Republican” legislators, mayors, congressmen, and senators in hopes they do the right thing and follow the Constitution which will then protect our rights and our families. And then reality hits and they come up a little short. But we elect them again and again because next time they might do the right thing and by the way, they have so much money behind them they wipe out grassroots opponents in the primaries. Here are two screenshots from Redstate’s article.

Does Andrea Keck’s association with big donor Randy Kendrick explain why Mrs. Keck is supportive of Social Emotional Learning and Diversity and Inclusion studies in Scottsdale Schools? The real issue was never gay “marriage”. That was just a window to jump through to convert and mutilate our children.


We recently wrote about concerns we have with Scottsdale Unified Board member candidates Andrea Keck and Sara Solem. We heard late yesterday that Mrs. Solem has withdrawn from the race.

We understand why Mrs. Keck would happily accept such a large donation for her campaign. Signs and media are expensive and name recognition often wins political races. For those of us who are wondering what has happened to the Republican Party, the Party of family values, these hefty donations from the rich have clearly caused the moral decline. All of those with so much money to spend will have to account for their choices. And those of us who knowingly vote for candidates who compromise on life and family issues will have to do the same.



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