And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. ~Matthew 16:18

Recent Scottsdale Articles

Children caught on camera destroying Scottsdale charter school for 90

Posted: 2024-01-17 06:12:40

[EAN NOTE: Why would kids do this? Do they hate Charter schools? Are they "traditional" public school kids? Is someone puttting them up to this?] ANDREW CHAPADOS 1-16-24 The Blaze Apair of adolescents were caught on camera vandalizing a Scottsdale, Arizona, charter school by hammering the building with rocks for more than an hour. BASIS Scottsda ...

Billionaires Pervert The Republican Party

Posted: 2022-10-22 08:22:55

Scott$dale Money Matters by Peggy McClain on August 11, 2022 in Not In Our Schools Money is the root of all evil. How many times have we heard that? Both political parties want to cater to the needy, passing themselves off as the Party of the People. Historically it was thought, whether true or not, Republicans have more ...

Scottsdale Unified Candidates–Buyer Beware

Posted: 2022-08-23 03:07:56

By Peggy McClain on July 28, 2022 Not In Our Schools Recently we shared that Secular Coalition of Arizona has gotten heavily involved with school board races. The organization is hosting online governing board candidate forums, and this is a great way for the public to see if the candidates align with good or evil. Several Scottsdale Unifi ...

Here We Go Again-Massive Fraud Expected In Upcoming AZ Election-Anyone

Posted: 2022-07-20 15:14:59

FRAUD ALERT: Maricopa County GOP Chair Refuses Requests To Appoint Signature Challengers on Early Ballots — MASSIVE FRAUD EXPECTED! By Jordan Conradson Published July 19, 2022 at 4:10pm THIS IS HOW THEY STEAL– EVERY BALLOT WILL BE PROCESSED REGARDLESS OF ITS LEGITIMACY! According to sources within the Maricopa County GOP, the C ...


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