But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men. ~Matthew 16:23

LGBTQIA2S+ Groomers to Descend on Mesa Public Schools

Posted: 2024-10-01

September 22, 2024 Peggy McClain / Not In Our Schools

LGBTQ promoters trick the public into thinking boys who want their male organ cut off reflect an organic need with no outside influence. They want people to think it is normal to refer to a girl as “him”. They want teachers to think a young teen girl who wants a mastectomy has her head together. And like clockwork, certain legislators in Arizona think it’s normal for boys to need access to tampons in the boys’ bathroom at school. The pressure on districts is monumental and the courtship with the media cements these creepy ideas in people’s heads.

While Mesa Public Schools is under scrutiny for staff members bragging about sexually grooming kids, and on the heels of a lawsuit against the district alleging the same, GLSEN has gotten involved. Whether the well-funded organization is acting on its own or whether the purple-haired Mesa Governing Board president and her activist teachers invited them, we don’t know.

What we do know is this email sent by GLSEN Arizona on September 20, 2024.

Many times these same people complain that groups who support parental rights have speakers who participate in public comment in districts other than their own. Many parental rights speakers learned this tactic watching Planned Parenthood do the exact same thing at school board meetings across Arizona. Remember this when they complain that a Christian parent speaks at a neighboring school district. GLSEN provided its own evidence that the speakers are given scripts and buzzwords.

As noted above, this will be an opportunity for the pro-abortion and pro-child sex transition governing board candidates to be named. We already took care of that, but here it is just in case public speaker “volunteers” need a refresher. Will there be electioneering during public comment Tuesday night? Just a few days ago at the Higley Governing Board meeting and in the presence of the district attorney, a public speaker snuck in an election reference but she was allowed to continue, despite breaking the board’s policy. Below is part of Mesa’s public comment guidelines. Heads up to GLSEN Arizona, it appears naming candidates will not be allowed on September 24th.

The email continues below.

Whoever composed this email is lying to its recipients. There is nothing in the First Amendent which states there is freedom FROM religion. Is that “one visibly supportive educator” per campus? If so, will this affect hiring practices in Mesa Schools? And finally, the Rainbow Library is referred to as though there is a pot of gold at the end of it. In reality, if there is a Rainbow Library on campus, were those books approved by the Mesa Governing Board per state statute? Were they available for review for 60 days for the public to read prior to board approval? GLSEN is encouraging its email base to break the law.

We have dozens of emails GLSEN and other radical LGBTQ organizations are sending to teachers in Mesa schools advertising political activism opportunities, ideas for the classroom, and Rainbow Library book lists, among other things. Here is one example to Mrs. Gloria Chavez, the sponsor for Mesa High School’s Pride Club. She may not have solicited this email, but now we know where Arizona educators are getting the lists of inappropriate books for minors.

As if a Rainbow Library isn’t enough, GLSEN is offering Professional Development to teachers. This way teachers can pick up all kinds or materials to bring into the classroom that will never be seen by the governing board, which is tasked by statute to approve curriculum.

Mrs. Chavez was in touch with another teacher about the Pride Club. According to Mesa High’s website, Heidi Frey is a special ed teacher.

However, look at the signature in Ms. Frey’s email. What is an Inclusion Teacher?

It will be interesting to see how many from Mesa Education Association either participate in public comment or fill the seats wearing their blue t-shirts. Ms. Elizabeth Tanner, a Westwood High English teacher who complained at a recent board meeting she is limited as to what she can talk about with minor students, is on the MEA executive board.

Speaking of Elizabeth Tanner, she had been a sponsor for the Pride Club at Westwood High School in previous years. There is an email with another teacher who is also involved with the club. His extracurricular activities are concerning. Since currently there is reporting about Christian candidates’ Sunday worship habits, we looked into what Mr. Abbot Sharp does on his Sundays.

The Trans Spectrum and Queer Center? Here is a description of the Trans Spectrum of Arizona.


The Queer Center offshoot is worthy of some investigating. There are a couple individuals on the board at The Queer Center where Mr. Sharp from Westwood High is hanging out. The first is President of the organization. Flexspas is located west of downtown and is a gay man’s hangout.

The second individual is Scott Darby. According to his bio, he travels the country teaching kink skills.

For those who respond “Mr. Abbot Sharp can do what he wants on his own time”, they are correct. So can Christians. It is concerning that an adult who has the attention of dozens of high school students every day is involved with The Queer Center and the individuals who run it. Here is another part of the center’s website.

Are these binders aimed at minors? How would students find out about this resource? How are students accessing these binders? Are parents involved 100% of the time?

Mesa Public School District is the largest in the state. The city of Mesa itself is huge. GLSEN Arizona knows this and knows as Mesa goes so does the entire East Valley, if not the entire state. Will the Mesa Governing Board be the last line of defense against these strangers who want to sexually confuse and mutilate children, or will the five members stand strong against them? The district belongs to Mesa families, will they sit back and watch GLSEN Arizona try to take over their community and their children?






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